Competitive Rally Obedience (Rally-O)
Your dog’s head up, prancing with a delightful gait in perfect harmony with you as you walk briskly and confidently forward. You’ve seen the flashy obedience routines of all those Malinois and German Shepherds on Instagram – it’s time to prove that your dog can do it too!

Unlock Flashy Obedience Moves in Your Dog
Thanks to TikTok and Instagram, a whole new generation of dog guardians are being introduced to the precision, speed, and enthusiasm found in traditional obedience.
Let our team coach you and your dog to develop an amazing partnership and bond built on training.
Teach your dog incredible body awareness as they prance with their head up, with a bounce in their front legs and weight shifted to back, while in perfect synchrony with your confident strides in a perfect heel.
Watch as they develop incredibly fast responses to your cues to sit, down, stand, front and finish.
Whether you’re just looking for something for you and your dog to do for fun, or you are curious or have ambitions about competing in the sport of Rally Obedience, this program is for you.
Competitive Rally-O 1: Fundamentals
Course Description:
- How to tap into your dog’s motivation, focus and engagement
- Strategic ways to use various reinforcements and methods of training to gain a solid working relationship
- Handler and dog body awareness exercises
- Obedience Skills: Heel, Stand, Sit, Stand, Down, Front, Left/Right Finishes, Stay
- Introduction to trials, what to expect, how to prepare your dog with proofing and generalizing exercises
- Learning to assess your dog’s knowledge acquisition and functional performance ability under distraction or stress
- Completion of Foundation Skills 1 or 2, Canine Good Neighbour, Agility, Tricks or another advanced group class from another training school.
- Your dog needs to have a desire to work with you and is eager to earn food reinforcement
- Your dog needs a functional stay with some duration and distraction
- Your dog needs to have the ability to be crated while other dogs work, or be able to settle quietly on mat, or be able to be crate from the car
- Students may also arrange for 1 on 1 paid evaluation if they have not taken these courses or are unsure if they meet these prerequisites. Cost is $40 and will take about 30 minutes and can be conducted in person or virtually.
- Please email for additional info on prerequisites
Competitive Rally-O 2: Novice
Course Description:
- You will learn all CKC Novice Rally Obedience signs
- Introduce Ring entrance and exits routines and how to use reinforcements
- Continue to build on fundamental obedience skills to master such things as Call Front, Weave, Pivot, and Spirals
- You will learn how to read a Rally Map and how to walk a course
- You will learn how you are scored, what deductions are taken and causes for NQ’s
- Completion of Rally-O 1: Fundamentals Course or passing a 1-on-1 paid evaluation
Competitive Rally-O 3: Intermediate/Advanced
Course Description:
- You will learn all CKC Intermediate/Advanced Rally Obedience signs
- Proof Ring entrance and exits routines and how to navigate courses off leash
- Continue to build on your Rally Novice skills and become more proficient in new exercises like offset Figure 8, Turn and Call Front, Moving Down and Jumps
- You will have the opportunity to practice various courses with Intermediate/Advance signs
- You will learn how you are scored, what deductions are taken and causes for NQ’s
- Completion of Rally-O 2: Novice or passing a 1-on-1 paid evaluation
Competitive Rally-O 4: Excellent/Master
Course Description:
- You will learn all CKC Excellent and Master Rally Obedience signs
- Learn to polish up you and your dog’s ring routine with an emphasis on focus and mental stamina for working
- Continue to build on your Rally Advance skills and become proficient in new exercises such as back up, moving stand, distance commands/signals, spirals/serpentines with distraction and left/right spins
- You will have the opportunity to practice various courses with Excellent/Master signs
- You will learn how you are scored, what deductions are taken and the causes for NQ’s
- Completion of Rally-O 3: Intermediate/Advanced or passing a 1-on-1 paid evaluation
Meet Your Rally Instructors!
We’re partnering with the duo from For All Paws – Diana Hsu and Cristina Ralph who are passionate about performance sports and are eager to share their unique experience trialing and competing their dogs in a multitude of sports included, Rally, Obedience, Scent Detection, Field/Water Hunt Tests, Barn Hunt and Dock Diving.
After seeing many aspiring handlers encounter difficulties in competitive dog sports due to ring stress and inadequate trial preparation, they are eager to share their experience and perspective on how to combat these common trialing challenges.
Program Tuition
$429 plus HST for Level 1, 6-week course
$372 plus HST for Levels 2 and above, 6-week course
Level 1 class is 75 minutes in duration (15 minutes is allotted for Q&A and troubleshooting and breaks). Levels 2 and above are 50 minutes in duration.
1:3 ratio for Instructor to Students
For details regarding class/training policies, please see our Policy page:
Where and When?
Competitive Rally-O 1: Fundamentals
South Etobicoke – Thursdays at 7:30 pm. Summer 2025 dates coming soon!
Competitive Rally-O 2 & 3 Split: Novice/Intermediate
South Etobicoke – Thursdays at 6:15 pm. Summer 2025 dates coming soon!
Okay, I’m Ready to Go!
This is an advanced class. Please see all the prerequisites.
Login to our class calendar system, to book into a class series: