Online Dog Training Classes

Strengthening Relationships Since 2010: Proven Dog Training Expertise with Over 16,000 Dogs – Now Anywhere, Available Online
Puppy Start Right Online
What’s in the Course?
- Must-have information for new puppy parents!
- Step-by-step video breakdowns of each exercise
- Basic training exercises like Leash Walking, Voluntary Attention, Lay Down, Recall Games, and Touch
- Important Puppy Socialization topics such as housetraining, addressing puppy nipping, preventing anxiety, fear, and aggression, and more
- Price: $29 (includes lifetime access and future updates)
- Risk Free: Backed by our Delighted Guarantee – 100% Money Back if Unsatisfied (Within 30 days)
Foundation Skills Online
What’s in the Course?
- Expert training plans for dogs of any age, from puppies to rescue dogs
- Step-by-step video breakdowns of each exercise
- Written instructions describing each exercise
- Comprehensive skills for both trainer and dog – Clicker training skills, impulse control, leash walking, stay, recall, polite greetings, and more.
- Important training principles such as clicker mechanics, generalization, phasing out the clicker, reinforcement variety, and behaviour chains.
- Price: $59 (includes lifetime access and future updates)
- Risk Free: Backed by our Delighted Guarantee – 100% Money Back if Unsatisfied (Within 30 days)
Tricks Class Online
What’s in the Course?
- Step-by-step video breakdowns of each exercise
- Written instructions describing each exercise
- 13 awesome tricks to teach your dog, including: Put Your Toys Away, Spin, Leg Weave, Backup, Ring a Bell, Cross Your Paws, Play Bow, Rollover, and more!
- Important training principles such as Capturing and Luring, Antecedent Arrangement, Shaping, and Advanced Cueing and Troubleshooting
- Price: $59 (includes lifetime access and future updates)
- Risk Free: Backed by our Delighted Guarantee – 100% Money Back if Unsatisfied (Within 30 days)
Helping the Leash Reactive Dog Webinar
Course Description:
Rachael Johnston, Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner, and the developer of When Hounds Fly’s Reactive Dog program, will guide you through what reactivity is, how and why it develops, and how you can begin to help your dog work through their reactivity challenges.
- This 2 hour webinar is an excellent starting point for understanding what it takes to effectively and humanely help your reactive dog, and sets you up for success for subsequent private lessons or attending a Reactive Dog Group Class
- Price: $60 (includes lifetime access and future updates)
- Risk Free: Backed by our Delighted Guarantee – 100% Money Back if Unsatisfied (Within 30 days)
Preparing Your Dog For Your Baby
Course Description:
If you are expectant parents, or are new parents, and you want to proactively help your dog successfully handle this transition, this webinar is for you.
- In this 2 hour webinar, you’ll learn about the overwhelming number of novel sights, smells, and sounds that will challenge your dog, and how the radical change in routines and reduced attention affects them
- You’ll then learn about tools needed to help your dog successfully adapt, how to help your dog and child interact safely, how to read your dog’s body language, and how to adjust at each stage of your baby’s growth
- Price: $60 (includes lifetime access and future updates)
- Risk Free: Backed by our Delighted Guarantee – 100% Money Back if Unsatisfied (Within 30 days)
Canine Stress Solution
Is your dog:
- Anxious, fearful, or skittish in environments outside of your home?
- Hypervigilant to noises from inside your home and can’t even relax while inside?
- Unable to regulate both positive and negative emotions – getting overaroused or very upset easily?
- Also reactive to various triggers on a daily basis?
- This 10-week course (Live, delivered over Zoom) may be for you!
Karen Pryor Academy in a Day
Course Description:
Dog industry professionals – Do you want to develop your training skills and learn from the best?
Are you thinking about enrolling in the Karen Pryor Academy Dog Trainer Professional Program?
- In this 90 minute webinar, you’ll be introduced to some of the most important components found in the Karen Pryor Academy curriculum, directly from Andre Yeu, Karen Pryor Academy Faculty Member
- Price: $60 (includes lifetime access and future updates)
- Risk Free: Backed by our Delighted Guarantee – 100% Money Back if Unsatisfied (Within 30 days)