Rally Obedience Vancouver
Rally Obedience (Rally-O)
A class designed for passionate dog handlers with ambitions to test their dogs ability to work as a team and take it to the competitive level.
Rally Obedience training has many practical applications, including mental exercise for your dog, increased reliability and obedience in a variety of situations, improved focus, and, of course, a stronger bond between you and your dog.
This sport is a great progression for those who have completed advanced classes or foundations training and are looking for additional training experiences and challenges.
Rally-Obedience Core Skills & Introduction to Novice
Course Description:
Our Rally Obedience introductory course aims to teach the building block skills required prior to entering your first Rally Obedience Novice trial.
- Heelwork (transit between stations)
- Left Forward, Left Finish
- Right Forward, Right Finish
- Pivot
- Side-Step
- Precise Positions (Tuck Sit, Fold Back Down, Stand)
- Front
- Fast, Slow, Normal Pace
- Turning in Heel, including weaves and spirals
- Introduce Novice Rally Obedience Signs, Course Maps and Scoring System
- Completion of Foundation Skills minimum, completion of Foundation Skills Level 2 is preferred
- Your dog needs to have a desire to work with you and is eager to earn food reinforcement
- Your dog needs a functional stay with some duration and distraction
Program Tuition
$290 plus tax for a five-week course
For details regarding class/training policies, please see our Policy page:
Where and When?
Baby Ds – Wednesdays with Sarah, at 7:45 pm. September 11-October 16 (Skips Oct 2)
Okay, I’m Ready to Go!
This is an advanced class. Please see all the prerequisites.
Login to our class calendar system, to book into a class series: